Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Should You Stop Blaming Others?

It seems that there is a constant theme here in America that I am getting tired of. There are a lot of people who don’t want to be responsible and along with that, they want to blame someone else for their bad behavior and the resulting problems. The cast of whiners is large; and includes such groups as Black Lives Matter and even individuals like my brother-in-law who doesn’t like to work. At no time do these people (and many, many others) ever consider that they, themselves, might be responsible for their own successes and failures. Rather, they conclude that by blaming others they can succeed.

This is false. And even if this strategy works temporarily because “you” have picked a politically charged or emotional subject in which to base your argument, eventually, even if it takes a long time for the “super politically correct” people to catch on, your true stand will be seen as the trumped up falsity that you have latched onto. In other words, the police did not shoot an unarmed black man just because they wanted to shoot a black man. They stopped a person who was acting suspiciously or engaged in criminal activity. Then, instead of cooperating, the person resisted arrest. A fight ensued and the person was shot. It doesn’t matter what color you are, the same thing will happen to you if you act that way.

Or maybe you can’t get a job because you don’t want one. Maybe you don’t bother to apply. You can blame it on fear of rejection or a dozen other issues, but maybe it is because you are lazy and you prefer to post pictures on Facebook while someone else pays the bills. If you have been under-employed for more than ten years, it is time to look at yourself.

My friend just emailed me that no one at his company reads his emails. Then they are upset because he “didn’t answer” them. How sad that we have so much technology for communication and no one wants to “listen.” No one wants to be responsible. Let’s blame it on racism. Let’s blame it on politics. Let’s blame the President. Let's blame the police! What a bunch of crap! People need to be responsible and to teach responsibility to their kids! If your kid has problems at school and you tell him that his teacher is a racist, you have avoided parenting, and escalated his bad behavior!

Every damn day someone is getting gunned down in this country, in this state, in this city, in this neighborhood and no one seems to be responsible! It is always someone else’s issue! Somalis are upset for being profiled at the airport and right now three of them are on trial for Federal terrorism conspiracy charges. Yes, you are probably being profiled and maybe national security is the reason for it.

Racial bias is often cited as the reason for poor academic performance; and for a higher percentage of those incarcerated; and for economic disparity. Yet those groups represented, also tend to have the most children out-of-wedlock; and the highest dropout rate; and the highest welfare rates. Why isn’t this brought up at the same time as that other stuff?

Don’t ask why white people are higher academically and financially. Remove the white line from the graph and now ask why the Asians are so much higher than the rest? It all stems on responsibility. It all goes back to having strong family values; and an appreciation of education; and a good work ethic. Enough blaming everyone else! Look at yourself. Be responsible for your own actions. Life will get better if you stop blaming everyone else and start improving yourself. It is so lame and so self-destructive to avoid responsibility and teach that ridiculous garbage to the next generation.

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