Wednesday, May 03, 2023

To the "friends" who make bald "jokes."

I understand that I'm bald. It actually doesn't bother me. However, I believe that friends should not attack their friends over things like this. Oh I understand that our fickle ass country thinks it's okay to make fun of short people and bald people but boy don't you say anything about someone's sexual orientation or if they're fat! So I'm fine with being bald. In fact, if you haven't noticed I shave my head all the time. I think I look pretty good. So when one of the people who is supposed to be one of my good friends starts attacking me for being bald, I have to wonder why? The only thing I can think of, is that the person maybe doesn't feel good about himself, and it makes him feel a little better if he can make someone else feel bad. That's really not a good thing. And it's not really a good friend either. So that's all I'd like to say about that.

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