Thursday, June 17, 2021

Dumbing Down America

Our society, has chosen to "dumb down" to the lowest common denominator; to ensure inclusion. Instead of holding the bar up high to create a better world, we have ensured Americans will be rude, dumb and weak for generations to come. That's why I have to listen to that person talking loudly on the phone, in a public place, dropping the F-bomb every 4th word. That's why police can no longer stop "minor" law breaking. It's why people walk down the street looking in mailboxes and drive down the road tossing garbage out the window. It's why how we teach, speak and interact has changed. It's why people are mean to each other and why entertainment is vulgar, lewd and violent. But at least everyone is striving to become less civilized for a worthy cause.

1 comment:

CuTRis said...

What's interesting to me, is how the liberal mind will interpret this as me saying, "inclusion = bad." When in fact I'm saying, the lies using inclusion as an excuse to eliminate law, order and decency are bad. The premise that certain groups of people are incapable of living up to acceptable standards, is inconsistent with the idea of equality.