Friday, February 07, 2025

Declaration for Removal of Donald Trump

Dear Everyone,

I feel that it is not only my right, but it is also my duty, to publicly announce that I do not support Donald J Trump or his presidency or his cabinet picks, or his policies or his immigrant sidekick Elon Musk. Donald Trump, in my opinion, is an Enemy of the State trying to destroy the government internally. He was successful in gaining the support of some people by vilifying brown skinned people, anyone who is "different," and immigrants. Many of his supporters don't even know any of these targeted people, and many of them reside in rural America where they have less contact with these individuals than the people in the cities--who (most) did not vote for Trump. Yet, they fear and hate those different from themselves and Trump has used that to gain support. I have zero confidence in Donald Trump's abilities as a leader, or his motives and I believe he is trying to destroy the United States government and the country in order to take over the spoils with his billionaire friends. The United States of America is a mixture of different people and it is not for sale to convicted felons, which Donald Trump is both a convicted felon and an insurrectionist. As a registered voter, I hereby declare Donald J Trump unfit for duty, and ask for his immediate removal from the presidency.

It is my fondest hope that others will join me with their own, similar declarations.

Kevin J Curtis
St. Paul, Minnesota

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