Monday, April 15, 2013

Borg Cube for Sale

For Sale - Slightly Used Borg Cube - Mileage = 192 Trillion Light Years Plus Time travel - Loaded! - Capacity of 9,856 Passengers

$87 Billion

Contact CuTRis

Used Borg Cube $87 Billion


LDM said...

Sounds like a good option for me to use to commute to work alone. What kind of mileage does it get?

CuTRis said...

38 million light years galaxy and 42 million light years Universe per gallon

LDM said...

That is pretty good mileage.
With the time travel option I will never be late for work either.
In fact I may just keep traveling back to the previous Friday
and forget about work altogether.

LDM said...

I just realized I will only have to fill the tank once.
When the tank is almost empty I will go back in time and swap
cubes with past LDM just when he is done filling it.
I will always have fuel in the tank!
Of course past LDM will be forever filling the cube,
so that is kind of a raw deal for him.
That's OK , I never liked past LDM anyway. He is always
doing stupid things that I have to answer for.

CuTRis said...

I never thought of that! I should probably have kept it, but I guess if you have the $87 Billion I'll sell it.

LDM said...

Sold- I will have to stop at an ATM to get the 87 billion out though.