Friday, July 25, 2014

Variable Speeds

As I was driving in the rain recently, I adjusted my windshield wiper speed a couple of times to accommodate my speed and the amount of rain falling. I like variable speed machines. But often, the quantity of speed settings is questionable. I probably have 6 or 8 windshield wiper speeds and only need about 3. But my ceiling fans at home have 3 settings and I only use the lowest speed. In fact, if I had a lower setting I would use that. I'm not sure why the highest setting is so high. It looks like the darn thing is going to take off when it is on high! I have a 21-Speed bicycle. I think I use 3 speeds and 90% of the time I have it on the middle one. I guess I could get by with a 3-Speed if it had the same three settings I normally use. My guess is an actual 3-Speed would have some configuration that was not my (current) lowest, middle-est and highest—which is what I like; so I guess I'll keep the 21-Speed bike. VCR's (remember them?) had 3 recording speeds. Now I have a DVR and it has like 9 recording speeds. Is that really necessary? I mean do you want high quality or maximum storage? Make up your mind! Who uses the middle setting? It is probably the same person who buys the middle grade gasoline. Do you need three? Do you want premium gas or regular gas? "No, mix the two together because I want "medium" gas." Hmmm... seems to me maybe the medium grade gas is going away. We have too many other kinds like diesel, e85, etc. Well, I have to go now. I'm kind of thirsty and I don't know if I want whole milk or skim milk so I think I will have some 2%.

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