There is a certain neighborhood I know of that has a lot of black squirrels. There are also white squirrels and gray squirrels. They are all merely color variations of the Eastern Gray Squirrel. This means they are like Humans; in that though there are some color variations, we are all the same species of animal. What I've noted about the squirrels, is that they don't seem to take much notice of the color of the other squirrels. They all live in this same neighborhood and seem to get along with each other just fine. I believe this is also true of human children. Left to themselves, they typically do not hold much significance as to what color they or their friends are. It seems that discrimination is largely due to the influences of adult humans, who in these types of situations, impart their own ignorance upon the children—contaminating the purity of youth. I believe there may be something to be learned from children and squirrels.
So true! I was talking to a little girl a few years back about Obama being the first black president. She didn't get it. After long enough I realized she just saw people as people and skin color (or fur color for that matter!) meant nothing to her.